We are happy to assist you with any of your questions!

We provide responses as quickly as possible!
Are you interested in becoming our supplier of goods or services? Please visit our business cooperation page.

Orders and information:

+385 1 7701 750


+385 1 7701 751


Vladimira Nazora 14, 10431 Brezje, Sv. Nedelja, Croatia

Working hours

Mon. - Fri.: 07 - 15 h

Company information

General Information

Name: KOMED d.o.o.
Address: str. Vladimira Nazora 14, 10431 Sveta Nedelja – Brezje, Croatia
OIB: 77831468864
Matični broj: 3627454
MBS: 080064026
Registered in the Commercial Court Register of the Zagreb Commercial Court
Director: Luka Raguž, dr.med.
Share Capital: 20,518.89 Euros (154,600.00 HRK), fully paid up
Bank Details

IBAN: HR3524020061100392618
Bank: Erste & Steiermaerkische bank d.d.

Latinka Pavišić

dipl. ing. bioteh.

Sales Manager

Ivana Bucak

mr. spec., dipl. ing. bioteh.

Production Manager


Ljiljana Jurinić

Helena Kovačević

Laboratory Technician

Daniela Mešin

Laboratory Technician

Lordan Lešić

Laboratory Technician

Want to join our team?

We will gladly consider all job applications. You can send it to us from this page > EMPLOYMENT